- You have a very ‘real’ dream of the person who has died. During the dream visit you are aware that the person is dead and rather than a normal ‘confused’ dream you are lucid. You talk to the deceased and they reassure you that they are safe and well. Sometimes they tell you that they are watching over you or they may comfort you by letting you know that ‘everything will be ok…’
- You get a sense of the person being with you or close to you. Lights may flicker in the room or respond by flickering lights to yes and no answers.
- Alarms may go off after you sense the deceased with you – or at the time you are talking about them or thinking about them. This could be smoke alarms, bedside alarm clocks, mobile phone alarms or even door bells. Sometimes people may hear bells ringing but have no idea where the sound is coming from.
- Clockwork items will start up on their own (several items or something may start to work which has not been wound up for many months or years – and often in response to the deceased person being talked about or thought about. Clocks, watches, children’s toys and music boxes can be included on this list.
- TV’s, radio’s and DVD’s are messed around with. A DVD player may record ‘their’ favourite programme or a programme they want you to watch! Radio’s and TV’s turn on and off on their own or will switch channel to something they want you to see or listen to.
- Items go missing or reappear. Small coins, jewellery or crystals have a habit of doing this. Items will appear again by dropping out of mid-air or reappearing in a place where you have already looked. Sometimes (thankfully rare) objects will fly about! A pho to of the deceased will move or fall (usually not breaking) or an object of theirs will find YOU. Items might appear to have been rearranged or lined up when no one (no one physical that is) has been about to do this.
- Finding white feathers is common. They appear after you ask for a sign or ‘co-incidentally’ when you are in need of comfort. Feathers can appear ‘as if out of nowhere’ or turn up in unusual places.
- Some people may pick up the very strong scent of flowers or perfume. Granddad might share the scent of his tobacco or Dad his favourite cologne. Other unusual scents people have told me about are coconut and fish and chips! But these are usually when we associate the deceased person with the smell.
- People see posters or even number-plates which give them signs that the deceased are around. Words stand out in a book or we come across a particular magazine article etc which gives us the information we seek.
- Birds and animals act in unusual ways.
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