
Ghost Views

Haunted Sites

>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

While cemeteries and dark, scary forests are usually the talk of haunted things, but many times, private residences have a dark past to uncover. As much as it is hard to resist trespassing the homes and grounds of others because of their past, but remember – that is illegal and you can surely get into a world of trouble for it. Nonetheless, hearing the stories behind the brick foundations and painted gates are still pretty interesting. 

39 Linden Road – Melrose 

Once a house that dated back to the late 1800’s, today, residents now live in apartments that have a history of being haunted by two ghosts. The first ghost was a carpenter in his former life, and built houses for a living. His deep-seeded anger over what happened to the house since he worked on it is probably the fuel that keeps him with a burning desire to haunt the premises. Another ghost said to haunt the apartments was a woman that used to live in one of the units. Weird things are known to take place at the site, such as: 

·    Many footsteps on the stairs
·    An invisible force that has a habit of turning lights on and off
·    Phones and doorbells ring on their own

The odd happenings were so strong that a psychic was asked to investigate the site and much of the strangeness was confirmed. 

91 Old Sudbury Rd – Wayland 

Old houses are always fun for a ghost hunter to explore – when you have permission or own one, of course. Let’s take the residence of 91 Old Sudbury Rd in Wayland, Massachusetts, which has a haunted history that dates back to 1973. Originally constructed during the late 17th or early 18th century, the house was once the final home of Lydia Maria Child, a poet who has been credited with "over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go." 

After Child passed away, additional rooms and other features became part of the home when new owners took over the property. However, not everything was peachy keen for the new residents, as they claimed that ½ of the house felt cold. They noted that the living room, family room, front hall, and screen porch was a pretty eerie part of the property. The other rooms of the home seemed filled with warmth and was inviting for the residents. 

One day, the children were in the dining room when a door that led to the front hall (always kept ajar) slammed shut with such force. This occurrence took place 4 to 5 times, as if an invisible couple were arguing. The door slammed back and forth at a rapid pace over the course of 10 to 15 seconds. Many other oddities were known to take place at the house.


An Ancient Egypt Necropolis – Giza

Large cemeteries or burial places connecting to ancient times are a popular tourist attraction in many countries around the world. In Egypt, large concentrations of the dead have been discovered throughout Cairo, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Memphis, Saqqara, Siwa Oasis, and the Theban Necropolis. In this article, we will explore a few of the features of the Giza Necropolis – home to the Great Pyramids.  

The Great Pyramid of Egpyt

Who can mention the burial of the dead without making a reference to the Great Pyramid of Egypt? Constructed in 2560 BC, the Great Pyramid serves as the oldest and largest of three such structures in the Giza Necropolis. The Giza Necropolis is situated on the Giza Plataua, found on the outskirts of Cairo. Filled with ancient monuments, this complex is home to the only remaining Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. For nearly 4,000 years, the Great Pyramid was also considered the tallest of man-made structures at one time. 

The Great Pyramid consists of three known chambers inside with the lowest one cut into the bedrock where the pyramid was constructed and then left unfinished. Located at higher points, you will find what is believed to be the Queen's Chamber and King's Chamber. In honor of Khufu, the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as the primary features of a building complex that also included two mortuary temples. One was situated close to the pyramid, while the other was positioned by the Nile. 

Other structures built in honor of the dead included:

·    three smaller pyramids set aside for the wives of Khufu
·    one smaller pyramid, often referred to as the 'satellite' pyramid
·    a causeway that raised up to connect the two temples
·    small tombs fashioned out of mud-brick and stone – built for nobles that surrounded the pyramid

Other Features of the Giza Necropolis

The Giza Necropolis is not only decorated with the Great Pyramid, but also supported the Pyramid of Khafre (or Chephren). Khafre's pyramid is the second largest of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids of Giza. The Pyramid of Menjaure (or Mykerinos) is also part of the Giza Necropolis, which was built in honor of the 4th Dynasty ruler. 

In 1835, Richard William Howard Vyse (a British soldier, anthropologist, and Egyptologist) found the remains of a wooden anthropoid coffin in the upper antechamber of the Pyramid of Menkaure. An inscription read Menkaure's name and contained the bones of a human. 

On the eastern side of the complex, the Great Sphinx is found – looking towards the east. It is believed that the head depicts Khafre. Other royal monuments associated with the ancient necropolis include the tombs of high officials. In later years, other burials would take place and monuments erected from the New Kingdom era. 


Ghost Video-Lady in White Investigation

An investigation in Houston of a haunted house, see the investigator enter the room, and a shape rise immediately from the floor, into a full human shape in a white gown.  History of the home shows a young woman commited suicide there



Recent NASA video clips tell the tale that UFOs are still following our man-made space shuttles as they embark into the vast depths of space. We all know that NASA claims they do not investigate UFOs, but it is clear indeed that NASA and their crewmen certainly do encounter UFO activity while they are in space.

Actually, it is said that space astronauts are always being watched by extraterrestrial crafts and these alien crafts are intelligently controlled. The video below from the International UFO Congress details some of the specific UFO encounters that NASA astronauts have countered in the last few years.


Afterlife Communication - they're closer than you think


  • You have a very ‘real’ dream of the person who has died. During the dream visit you are aware that the person is dead and rather than a normal ‘confused’ dream you are lucid. You talk to the deceased and they reassure you that they are safe and well. Sometimes they tell you that they are watching over you or they may comfort you by letting you know that ‘everything will be ok…’


  • You get a sense of the person being with you or close to you. Lights may flicker in the room or respond by flickering lights to yes and no answers.


  • Alarms may go off after you sense the deceased with you – or at the time you are talking about them or thinking about them. This could be smoke alarms, bedside alarm clocks, mobile phone alarms or even door bells. Sometimes people may hear bells ringing but have no idea where the sound is coming from.


  • Clockwork items will start up on their own (several items or something may start to work which has not been wound up for many months or years – and often in response to the deceased person being talked about or thought about. Clocks, watches, children’s toys and music boxes can be included on this list.


  • TV’s, radio’s and DVD’s are messed around with. A DVD player may record ‘their’ favourite programme or a programme they want you to watch! Radio’s and TV’s turn on and off on their own or will switch channel to something they want you to see or listen to.


  • Items go missing or reappear. Small coins, jewellery or crystals have a habit of doing this. Items will appear again by dropping out of mid-air or reappearing in a place where you have already looked. Sometimes (thankfully rare) objects will fly about! A pho to of the deceased will move or fall (usually not breaking) or an object of theirs will find YOU. Items might appear to have been rearranged or lined up when no one (no one physical that is) has been about to do this.


  • Finding white feathers is common. They appear after you ask for a sign or ‘co-incidentally’ when you are in need of comfort. Feathers can appear ‘as if out of nowhere’ or turn up in unusual places.


  • Some people may pick up the very strong scent of flowers or perfume. Granddad might share the scent of his tobacco or Dad his favourite cologne. Other unusual scents people have told me about are coconut and fish and chips! But these are usually when we associate the deceased person with the smell.


  • People see posters or even number-plates which give them signs that the deceased are around. Words stand out in a book or we come across a particular magazine article etc which gives us the information we seek.


  • Birds and animals act in unusual ways.


The Empowering Benefits of Zodiac Crystals

When you hear the word crystal you may refer to a gypsy, fortune teller, a cave with raw crystals hanging from the top or that engagement ring you have been saving up for. In this article we will use crystals for divination, crystal water and many other uses. The benefits for using crystals:


1.) Discover instant solutions for your problems and questions

2.)Discover what the future holds

3.)Know what sort of day you can expect


And many more uses that you will self discover


A Little History of Zodiac crystals:


Crystals have been used for fortune-telling throughout the history for their subtle vibration nature, which is thought to be linked to the vibration powers of the cosmos. Crystals open a path to self discovery, wisdom and inner deeper knowledge and intuition. They can be thrown in a zodiac circle to protect you from negative energies, be spread out like tarot cards or you can pick one out of a pouch to help you with your day.


A small dictionary of the most common crystals:


Amethyst-The crystal of passion


* How you use the Amethyst crystal can benefit you in different ways, when using by carrying it with you all day you will have more passion when doing things that you are good at or vice versa. The Crystal is always active which means that you will have full effect of the crystal.


Blue Lace Agate- The crystal of Vision


*Vision have many different meanings but the most commonly accepted meaning is Vision as seeing things. No not any paranormal things but things that other people wont notice as easily as you would. This can be deeper meanings of what people say or things that you realize about your own life. This crystal is always active


Clear Quartz Crystal-The crystal of clarity


*The crystal is usually very clean and clear, it looks like those crystal balls the gypsy uses. Clarity is when you can see through something or a situation. This crystal enhances your ability to think through a problem or see the real Sam that someone is. This crystal is always active


Lapis Lazuli-The crystal of wisdom


*A blue crystal with some gray in it. The crystal is not going to make you as smart as Albert Einstein, no wisdom will teach you life lessons and true meaning of intentions that could make or break you. This is also a great help for problems and where wisdom is needed. The crystal is passive which means that is is not always active.


Tourmaline-The crystal of Compassion


*Tourmaline is not a crystal that you will find in any shop but be assured that if you get the opportunity to buy the crystal, do so without hesitation. Many of us find it hard to forgive a person that hurt us in any way, small or big.Compasion will help you find inner peace and forgive others that have sinned against you. Beware that this crystal can also make you more sensitive. The crystal is passive


Now that you have the 5 most common crystals,you can start each day with a smile on your face and not having the fear of no sollution.The crystals can also be used with meditation for a excellent relax therapy.
Choose a crystal for the day
(#You can create your own Zodiac circle with thread and stones)
1.) Place your crystals in a draw string or bag
2.) Gently shake your pouch then take a crystal out and place it in a small cloth piece.
3.) Study it,fell it and what the meaning of the crystal is to you
4.) Next,take the crystal in your hands,slode your eyes and attune yourself to the crystal vibrations.Allow the energy to flow free through your hands,throughout your body,invite the good qualities of the crystal into your life to empower you.
5.) Carry the crystal with you all day to activate the power
Here is the list of oracle crystals and interpretation:
# Red Carnelian-Activate
# Rose Quarts-Love
# Citrine-Communicate
# Moonstone-Embrace
# Tiger's Eye-Inspire
# Peridot-Discriminate
# Jade-Harmonize
# Malachite-Transform
# Turquoise-Travel
# Obsidian-Materialize



 !!!Remember to cleanse your crystals by washing them in cold water or bury them in salt for a day.


Photograph of a ‘ghost’ captured at Oxford Castle Unlocked reveals we are not alone.............

A photograph, which has captured a dark figure taken in the foreboding underground Crypt at Oxford Castle Unlocked, has revealed the paranormal does exist and confirms beliefs that the Castle is haunted. The photograph was taken on Friday 16 May by a member of the public at a ghost hunt organised by Fright Nights, the UK’s leading ghost hunt specialist. The brave ghost hunter, who was alone in the Crypt at the time, took the photograph with his digital camera. Keiron Brown from Alton in Hampshire was astonished to see the dark shadow of a figure at the end of the corridor leading into the Crypt, when he looked at the images on his computer after the event. The astounding photograph has since been analysed by experts at Fright Nights and at Oxford Castle Unlocked.

Martin Jeffrey, Director of Fright Nights stated “We were amazed by this photograph. Our analysts have shown that the figure is jet black and unusually not lit up by the flash, whereas the side walls and the wall behind it have visible lighting caused by the flash. We can also confirm that the figure is facing the camera and seems to have some form of hood, head dress or blindfold. We know that the Crypt was used for the storing of criminals especially those waiting execution, so the figure fits perfectly within the history of the Castle”.


Actress on screen

They once shined on the silver screen and now they don’t want to go away after death. It seems that certain ghostly actresses still want their presence known, as reports have placed their spirits at various locations about Hollywood and at their former residences. In this article, you will hear the stories of Lucille Ball, Jean Harlow, and Joan Crawford. 

The Ghost of Lucille Ball

On April 26, 1989, Lucille Ball (from 'I Love Lucy' fame) died while having a surgical procedure at the age of 77. At the time, she still inhabited her residence located at 100 North Roxbury Drive. However, ever since her passing, witnesses believe that she has decided to stay in the house. An assortment of experiences have placed Miss Ball's ghost behind a collection of odd occurrences. Owners that have moved in after her claim that windows have been broken within any explanation. The empty attic has produced the sound of loud voices that no one can figure out the source. Furniture and other objects have moved inside the house to other locations – a quite unexplainable event. 

The Ghost of Joan Crawford

She was the inspiration for the infamous flick, Mommie Dearest – a movie based on the adoption of two children and their ups and downs regarding living the Hollywood life. Joan Crawford make it through the ranks, first starting out as a silent star and moving on to more campy projects. However, the woman was in the movie industry for about 45 years. During her last years, it became apparent that she possessed a sharp tongue and ornery disposition – clearly confirmed in her daughter, Cristina's account of being Crawford's daughter. Who can forget the infamous coat hanger scene in the movie? Anyhow the former Crawford House is believed haunted by her spirit, amongst other unwanted guests. While the house has undergone a variety of exorcisms – the ghosts have refused to vacate the premises. 

The Ghost of Jean Harlow

She epitomized the 'blonde bombshell' image, which was coined just for Jean Harlow – the woman who sported the platinum blonde locks. There are a lot of rumors that have swirling around the death of Jean Harlow, who passed away due to renal failure at the age of 26. Some believe that her MGM studio executive husband who she married in 1932 (Paul Bern) beat her so badly that her kidneys could not properly function after the event. Another rumor saw Harlow dying from her bleached hair – people actually thought the chemical seeping into her brain and took her life. In the end, it was said that she probably had a childhood illness that caused her to suffer weakened kidneys, although the frequent alleged beatings from her husband probably didn’t help. 

Harlow managed to make about 36 films between 1927 and 1937, but her career was definitely halted too soon when she died. As for her former home, residents claim to have seen Harlow and her husband Bern in the mansion (located on Easton Drive, off Benedict Canyon Drive, in Beverly Hills) on several different occasions. Bern actually committed suicide in the upstairs bedroom that the two shared only two months after they married. He was found naked with a bullet in his head – a suicide note found next to his body.


Haunted Stays

If you are a paranormal seeker, then it's probably pretty fun to stay at a hotel that possesses a shady history or serves as a haunted site for restless souls and resident ghosts. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of the Provincial Hotel, found in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

There's elegance and charm infused throughout the Provincial Hotel, which offers a bit of Southern hospitality mixed with a playground atmosphere for the ghost hunter at heart. Do you dare spend the night at an establishment that is reputed to house more than one ghost? Could you ever imagine spending your honeymoon in a place when the ghost stories keep coming in throughout the years? 

Rumor has it that a pair of guests from Washington State stayed at the hotel while in town attending a convention. It is their belief that their room was not only occupied by them, but by the ghost that is said to have chosen the room as his stomping grounds. The ghost is said to have been a soldier in his former life, possessing a love for country music. As they entered their room for the night, an employee of the hotel took pleasure in telling them the tale of the soldier. 

Once the member of staff opened the door, the story goes that a man dressed in a 1930's Khaki military uniform was standing in their midst. Medals were visible and he wore a hat. In a matter of seconds, the 'ghost' disappeared, but not right after looking the couple in the face. Throughout their entire stay, they probably engaged in a lot of holding on to one another and cuddling because they stated that they felt that they were always being watched. The couple also took pictures and claimed to have caught the ghost on film. 

This isn’t the only tale or description of the antics attributed to the country music -loving soldier. For example, it is said that if you turn the radio to a station (no matter which one) – the ghost makes sure that it returns to the Oldies rock station. It seems that he only likes to listen to WTIX-Fm 94.3. 

A private séance even took place at the hotel, where the ghost is said to have fully made himself appear to those involved. The gathering may have even produced a tape of the ghost attempting to make verbal contact. Allegedly, the ghost uttered, "Please Tell Diane I have to go." Another round of EVP revealed that the ghost exclaimed, "I need to leave. She doesn't love me she loves you." Images caught on both film and video has showed a man with a serious face. Sometimes, only his medals and uniform are seen. 

Additional information regarding this haunted choice of lodging includes: 

·    Doors that open and shut on their own
·    Unexplainable footsteps 
·    Odd whispering noises
·    Colds spots that turn into heated zones

Perhaps the ghost has something to do with the location being a former hospital for Confederate soldiers.  


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